I am Sudhanshu, an Applications Engineer at Oracle, India. I graduated from Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati with a Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering in June 2014.
Research interests
- Machine learning/Deep learning
- Natural Language Processing
- Computational Biology
Undergraduate School
B. Tech., Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, India
Jul 2010 – Jun 2014
High School
St. Anselm’s Pink City School, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
Senior Secondary (Class 12th) , C.B.S.E.
St. Anselm’s Pink City School, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
Matriculation (Class 10th) , C.B.S.E.
Work Experience
Applications Engineer at Oracle
Since June 2014
- Involved in design and development of Oracles Fusion Applications
- Performed regression analysis to developed a mathematical model of the scalability of Fusion HCM Connect
- Certified in Java, SQL, Big Data and Hadoop
Summer Internship at Arista Networks, Bangalore, India
May 2013 – Jul 2013
- Worked on Latency Analyzer (LANZ) for network switches to detect traffic micro-bursts
- Developed OS support for Remote Procedural Calls (RPCs) through HTTP/JSON queries
- Both these features now shipped with Arista’s multi-layer network switches.
Summer Internship at Inforill Technologies, Chennai, India
May 2012 – Jul 2012
- Applied Monte Carlo Algorithms to simulate passenger motion on a railway station
- Developed Domain Specific Language for processing documents in Nutrition Domain
- Developed actor model for both these applications.
R. D. Sharma, S. Mittal, S. Tripathi, S. Acharya, “Using modern neural networks to predict the decisions of Supreme Court of the United States with state-of-the-art accuracy”.
published in Proceedings of International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP), Turkey, 2015
R. D. Sharma, S. Tripathi, S. K. Sahu, S. Mittal and Prof. A. Anand, “Predicting Online Doctor Ratings from User Reviews using Convolutional Neural Networks”. accepted in Proceedings of International Conference on Machine Learning and Computing (ICMLC), Hong Kong, 2015
Awards and Distinctions
International Astronomy Olympiad Training Camp 2010
Held at HBCSE, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), Mumbai
Selected among 35 students from across India
IIT Joint Entrance Examination 2010
Ranked among top 0.27% ; All India rank 1231 ; Institute Rank 7th
All Indian Engineering Entrance Examination 2010
Ranked among top 0.04% ; All India rank 468
National Talent Search Examination (NTSE) scholarship 2008
Awarded by the Government of India
State Science Talent Search Examination (SSTSE) scholarship 2008
Awarded by the Chief Minister of Rajasthan to 20 students across the state
Project Work
Controller Gene detection for Cancer network
Guide: Prof. Ashish Anand, Assistant Professor, Dept. of CSE, IIT Guwahati
- Modeled cancer gene network using Boolean networks to identify driver nodes and simulate underlying interaction dynamics
- Established theoretical complexity bound (NP-hardness) for the defined problem
- Developed polynomial reduction of the problem into well-studied optimization problem
- Programmed and solved the optimization problem in C and thus derived controller genes
- Research soon to be submitted at Nature
Retrofitted Word Vectors for Medical Corpora
Guide: Prof. Ashish Anand, Assistant Professor, Dept. of CSE, IIT Guwahati
- Extracted word vectors using Googles Word2vec algorithm
- Trained over 200,000 journal articles from Pubmed Central
- Words segmented using Stanfords English Tokenizer
- Included Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) ontology to retrofit word vectors
- Uncovered novel semantic relationships between known medical entities
Example based Machine translation System
Guide: Prof. Sandipan Dandapat, (ex) Assistant Professor, Dept. of CSE, IIT Guwahati
- Developed a variant of Levenstein algorithm for finding best sentence match in Python
- Used English to German translational memory
- Leveraged information retrieval system for fast translation candidates searching
- Addressed Word Sense ambiguity using Lesks algorithm on Wordnet ontology
Source Code Cloud Repository
Guide: Prof. S. Ranbir Singh, Assistant Professor, Dept. of CSE, IIT Guwahati
- Developed an online code repository which allows collaboration and reviewing coding
- Managed a team of four members
- Designed and normalized database schema balancing redundancy and efficiency
- Implemented business logic in PHP and db in SQL
- Programmed a responsive and platform independent UI using Twitter Bootstrap
Simulating the private network - NS3
Guide: Prof. Sukumar Nandi, Professor, Dept. of CSE, IIT Guwahati
- NS3 is a discrete event, packet level network simulator for Internet systems
- Created virtual topology with TCP/IP protocol, and handled traffic related queries using NS3
Compiler for Subset of C Language
Guide: Prof. Arnab Sarkar, Assistant Professor, Dept. of CSE, IIT Guwahati
- The compiler supported functions, with recursion, Input and Output constructs, global
variable declarations, loops and branches
- Also supported type checking and block nesting
- Generated 3-address and MIPS code
Airport Management Application
Guide: Prof. Pradip K. Das, Professor, Dept. of CSE, IIT Guwahati
- Developed an application which managed all aspects of an airport such as ticket booking
(allowing seat selection), canceling the ticket, managing employees, financial aspects, database
backup, taxi booking, scheduling flights, gates, resource management
- Managed a team of 10 students
- Responsible for the design and implementation of runway allocation algorithm implemented
using Priority queues
Strengthen Support for Pintos Operating System
Guide: Prof. Gautam Barua, (ex) Director, IIT Guwahati
- Pintos is a bare-bone OS developed at Stanford with simple threading, user-program
management and a file system
- Implemented synchronization through semaphores and priority scheduler for threads
- Added system calls and argument passing for user programs
- Enhanced the file system by adding indexing, sub directory support and extensibility of files
Design and fabrication of 4 bit Processor
Guide: Prof. S. B. Nair, H.O.D., Dept. of CSE, IIT Guwahati
- Implemented 16 machine instructions
- The processor was controlled by a programmable microprocessor
Relevant Courses
Mathematics – I (Linear Algebra) |
Modern Biology |
Introduction to Computing |
Mathematics – II (Differentials) |
Computing Laboratory |
Basic Electronics Laboratory |
Mathematics III (Complex numbers) |
Data Structures |
Discrete Mathematics |
Digital Design |
Data Structures Lab |
System Software Lab |
Formal Languages and Automata Theory |
Algorithms |
Computer Organization and Architecture |
Software Engineering |
Elective – II |
Hardware Lab |
Software Engineering Lab |
System Programming Lab |
Probabitdty Theory and Random Processes |
Theory of Computation |
Operating Systems |
Data Communication |
Computer Peripherals and Interfacing Lab |
Operating Systems Lab |
Optimization |
Databases |
Compilers |
Computer Networks |
Databases Lab |
Compilers Lab |
Networks Lab |
Computer Graphics |
Department Elective – II |
Department Elective – III |
Programming Languages Lab |
Graphics Lab |
Project – I |
Department Elective – V |
Project II |
Department Elective – IV |
Department Elective – VI |
Department Elective – I |